Okay, Obama haters, you win.
You were right, I was wrong.
Barack Obama is a lousy president who is way out of his depth, more committed to his left-leaning environmental policies than what's in the best interest of the country.
On Wednesday, the Obama administration drove a deep coffin nail into the nation's shaky international security, let the air out of the country's economic tires, and managed to offend one of the very few true allies the United States has been able to count on.
And the top dog signed off on this catastrophe.
All of this happened when Obama decided to say "no" to permits for a proposed oil pipeline that would have brought 700,000 barrels a day of precious oil from Alberta, Canada to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. [Click here for story.]
There have been protests against the project, mostly from the limousine liberals in Hollywood who claim the pipeline would have been environmentally unsafe. Yes, there's an Alaskan pipeline that's been serving this nation well since the 1970's with very little environmental impact, but that doesn't matter to the monied Henny Pennys and Ducky Luckys flying on private jets to attend their protest rallies while working Americans continue to watch savings and money for clothes, food, and other essentials go up in smoke every day as they pay $3.50 a gallon for the gas they need to get to their jobs.
I just don't understand a president who pretends to care about middle and lower class Americans, then condemns their future by ensuring that gas prices will now go up instead of down.
Believe me, I hate anything that puts one extra dime in the coffers of Big Oil, and this would certainly provide another huge windfall for those soulless bastards. But oil is an essential commodity, whether we like it or not. Instead of cutting off this opportunity for more fuel, an influx which might drive down the price of gas on some other planet where "supply and demand" economics actually works, Big Oil can now continue their ruse of artificial shortages as the excuse for raping us at the gas pumps.
Even worse, Obama has squandered an opportunity for America to get off the Middle Eastern oil tit. The oil from Canada, our northern neighbor who has been there for us nearly every time the U.S. has called for help in one of our meddling foreign shore skirmishes, would have reduced the amount of oil we would need to continue buying from nations that absolutely hate us. It would have resulted in fewer American dollars going into the pockets of people that consistently wind up using our cash to eventually purchase the weapons they will use to kill our children in uniform. (See Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and a wealthy Saudi Arabian family with the surname bin Laden.)
Worst of all, this snub of our best ally has resulted in Canada's prime minister informing Obama that the Maple Leaf government will now build a pipeline to their own coast, and will instead sell that oil to China, India, and other Asian nations.
At a time when we're losing every industrial and economic edge to those countries, our own president has goaded our best friends into selling energy to our biggest international competitors. Great move, Obie!
Once again, a leader has come down with a case of inconvenient amnesia. Obama has forgotten that voters didn't elect him four years ago because of his promises to protect the spotted owl or the desert tortoise, or any other idiotic environmental issue. As the political pundits continue to sing, "it was the economy, stupid!" We elected him because the previous regime, led by a Texas oil man, had run this country's financial future off the rails. We expected our economy to improve during his four years. Not only has he failed miserably on that front, now he has ensured that our future will be just as bleak thanks to gasoline prices that will now head for the $4 a gallon mark.
Four years ago, I gladly voted for a man who promised "change and hope." I didn't care about his color, and the fact that I had helped elect a black president.
I was wrong. I made a mistake.
In 2012, I can tell you I won't help elect a green president.
ReplyDeleteI always knew you were a smart guy. And now you have finally left the dark side of the Force. Unfortunately, the best that can be hoped for is the lesser of the two evils. So you have been turned to the grey side of the Force. This is the most disappointing part of today’s Federal government. We can not find any common ground. It is scorched earth politics on both sides.
Thanks, Patrick.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more. I feel like I've turned from the "dark side of the Force" to the "dark side of the Force." If guys like Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are supposed to be the "good guys," then we're truly doomed.